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Todas las traducciones - akamc2

Idioma de origen
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Idioma de origen
Inglés written in bold
You must accept all the five mandatory conditions. Optionally you may accept the sixth one. Please read them carefully. You shall confirm your acceptance checking the boxes on the left.
Do not forget to translate the title, please.

Traducciones completadas
Búlgaro написано с удебелен шрифт
Griego γραμμένα με έντονους χαρακτήρες
Idioma de origen
Portugués Conservatória do registo comercial de Luanda
Conservatória do registo comercial de Luanda

a) Que a fotocópia apensa a esta certidão está conforme os originais.
este e um documento legal de Angola.

Traducciones completadas
Inglés The Commercial Registry of Luanda
Idioma de origen
Portugués Eu adoro o Natal porque recebo muitas prendas,...
Eu adoro o Natal porque recebo muitas prendas, mas principalmente adoro o Natal porque toda a família se junta.
No dia 24 de Dezembro á noite, jantamos e á meia-noite abrimos os presentes, costumamos comer bacalhau.
Nas férias de Natal eu, o meu pai, a minha mãe e a minha irmã costumamos ir para Espanha e para França, vemos paisagens, aldeias, vinhas, etc. …
O Natal e alegria porque nasce o Deus Menino, mas muita gente não percebe isso pensam que é só receber prendas.

Traducciones completadas
Inglés I love Christmas because I receive many gifts
10Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"10
Turco dogum gunun kutlu olsun opuldun
dogum gunun kutlu olsun opuldun
un message qu'une amie a envoyé a mon fiancé

Traducciones completadas
Francés bon anniversaire je t'embrasse
Español Feliz cumpleaños, un abrazo.
Idioma de origen
Inglés select the state, in which your document has been issued
Select the state, in which your document has been issued. #NAME# keeps this data file under his responsibility since October 15, 2008. Its only aim is to get support for the official status of the Catalan language in the EU.The collected data will be preserved in its integrity and will not be published. Once delivered to the responsible body, all data will be deleted. In case of any correction, deletion or whichever access required to the data introduced by their holder, one can send an email to [@]. passport. given name. family name. e.g.
-- Do not forget to translate the title please. There "DOCUMENT" refears to the "state's documentation issued to a citizen".
-- #NAME# is a man's full name.
-- [@] is an e-mail address
-- "e.g." is "exempli gratia"

Traducciones completadas
Búlgaro Изберете щата, в който е издаден документът ви.
Idioma de origen
Inglés Expert assistant
Expert assistant
It's a title, a rank. Like in this example : Peter has been promoted "Expert assistant".

Traducciones completadas
Esperanto Asistanta spertul(in)o
Portugués Especialista assistente
Portugués brasileño Especialista assistente
Sueco Assisterande expert
Español Asistente de experto
Turco Uzman yardımcısı
Neerlandés Expert assistent
Griego Βοηθός διαχειριστής
Catalán Especialista assistent
Rumano Expert asistent
Alemán Expertengehilfe
Búlgaro Помощник-експерт
Polaco Asystent eksperta
Hebreo עוזר למומחה
Italiano Assistente specialista
Danés Ekspert assistent.
Albanés ndihmës
Húngaro SzakértÅ‘ munkatárs
Serbio Asistent eksperta
Chino simplificado 助理专家
Eslovaco Asistent odborníka
Faroés Hjálparserfrøðingur
Islandés Aðstoðarsérfræðingur
Noruego expert assistent
Bosnio Asistent eksperta
Japonés エキスパート・アシスタント
Finés asiantuntija-assistentti
Árabe مساعد خبير
Ruso Помощник эксперта
Letón Eksperta palÄ«gs
Checo Asistent experta
Persa دستيار متخصص
Lituano Eksperto asistentas
Ucraniano Помічник експерта
Chino 助理專家
Coreano 숙련된 조교
Croata Pomoćnik stručnjaka
Estonio Spetsialistist abiline
Hindú विशेषज्ञ सहायक
Tailandés ผู้ช่วยผู้ชำนาญการ
Idioma de origen
Inglés The CAPTCHA validation number does not match
If the identification number introduced belongs to you and wish to modify, correct, remove your data or apply whichever change to them, please send an email to [@] with all the data introduced specifying clearly what change you want to introduce. If these data do not match the data introduced before, your petition will not be considered.
[@] means an e-mail address.
Do no forget to translate the title, please.
You can find what CAPTCHA is at wikipedia.

Traducciones completadas
Búlgaro CAPTCHA номерът за удостоверение не съвпада
Idioma de origen
Español El 25 de diciembre ha nacido. La vida da...
El 25 de diciembre Jesucristo ha nacido. La vida da comienzo. En el mundo hay salvación...

Jesusito de mi vida, eres niño como yo y por eso te quiero tanto y te doy mi corazón.
Jesucristo = Cristo= Jesús MASCULINO

Traducciones completadas
Francés Le 25 décembre Jésus-Christ est né
Hebreo ב-25 בדצמבר הוא נולד. החיים....
Idioma de origen
Inglés This identification number has already been introduced
As specified previously in the conditions you have accepted, we will keep your data safe till the end of this campaign or until you decide to remove them. You can request any kind of modification or deleting your data by sending an email to [@].
[@] means a e-mail address.
Do not forget to translate the title, please.

Traducciones completadas
Búlgaro Този идентификационен номер вече съществува
Idioma de origen
Inglés Can you see the code in the following image?
This code is situated inside the image to avoid automatically generated signatures. You shall transcribe it correctly into the box beneath the image, as depicted on the said image.
Do not forget to translate the title, please.

Traducciones completadas
Búlgaro Виждате ли кода в следното изображение?
Idioma de origen
Inglés please choose your country
The database is currently down for maintenance. Please try again in few days time. Thank you for understanding. The email address has not been introduced in the correct format. Please fix it.
do not forget to translate the title, please.

Traducciones completadas
Búlgaro Моля, изберете Вашата държава
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